On Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day

Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day were the same day this year. It’s a fairly rare occasion and apparently happening only one more time this century (2029). And this almanac synergy is occurring at a time in human history where division is great and conflicts between peoples are growing more abundant every day.

For those who follow Jesus, perhaps we are being called to ponder the love of God and of our Christ in a deeper way. If we believe the world shall know we are Christians by our love, how is that being expressed and lived out? If Jesus pleaded with us to have an endlessly expansive heart that yearn for all humankind to live in harmony as one human race, what are we doing individually and communally to make that happen? If the call of our Lord leads to love for others more than love of self, are we truly willing to go there?

Most recently on this blog (3+ years ago), I was exploring the intersection between faith and politics. With that in mind, perhaps we should also ask ourselves deep down if our political leanings are driven by missional love, or malice? What would it look like if we truly loved those we disagree with politically? And what if our underlying political values are just inherently not Christ-like—are we willing to change?

Lent is a time for introspection and connecting with the Divine through prayer, fasting, service and the like. These 40 days are here to challenge our complacency, stir substantive change within us, and help us see how we can change the world to be more like the Everlasting Kingdom where everyone is beloved, as Jesus foretold and desires for humanity to this day.

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