On Money

A key frustration of Martin Luther was how the church glorified and used money. He saw that the church in his day distorted the good news of Christ by offering salvation in exchange for money. And when the church became focused on money it ceased being the church. It stopped serving God. I wonder if […]

On Technology

If Martin Luther’s 95 theses were the match igniting the flame of the Reformation, technology was the wind that caused that flame to become a wildfire. Without the printing press (the technological marvel of Luther’s era), the flame of the Reformation might have burned out quickly and not have re-shaped the western world as much as […]

On Rural and Urban

I’ve found this interesting: the scriptural narrative begins in a garden (Genesis 1-2) and ends in a city (Revelation 21). And I think it is worth pondering, what this means. Perhaps it means that God can be found in both the city and the country. In both the busyness of the city lifestyle and the […]

On The Spirit

Those that follow the teachings of Christ believe in a spiritual advocate, a helper, a guide—a form of God within us, often called the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives us courage, optimism, and hope, while also challenging, nudging, and correcting us. The Spirit develops our rooted faith, more than our conscience can on its own, illuminating for […]

On Conscience

One of Martin Luther’s most well-known quotes comes from when he was asked to retract his statements (which, at the time, were considered heretical and wrong). Standing before the authorities of his day, Luther said “…my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant, since it is neither safe nor […]